Chapter 23 Revolution, Depression, and the Rise of Totalitarianism |
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Great Depression contributed to a growing political crisis around the
world. Despite American President Woodrow Wilson's conviction that World
War I had been waged to preserve and extend democracy, for many
Europeans, as well as others around the globe, the war itself seemed to
have shown the flaws inherent in the liberal democratic structures of
Western civilization. The crisis of the Depression only reinforced a
growing fear in many peoples' minds that liberal democracy was not
perhaps the most suitable form of government to cope with the modern
industrial age. Moreover, the forces of militarism and nationalism that
had helped cause World War I once again emerged in the 1920s and 30s in
new forms to disturb the fitful and troubled peace of the world. Challenges
to Democracy Although
the triumph of the Allies in World War I seemed to have made the world
safe for democracy, the peace that followed saw the emergence of a
growing crisis of identity throughout much of the world. In Eastern
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, new countries and nations sprang up
from the ashes of the old autocratic empires. As they struggled to find
a new sense of identity and stability, many looked to the democratic
model of the victorious powers, especially France, Britain, and the
United States. Yet lingering dissatisfaction with the peace settlement
had raised doubts about the usefulness of liberal democracy even among
some of the victorious powers, such as Italy and Japan, as well as among
the defeated powers. In addition, countries still making the transition
from traditional agricultural economies to modern industrial economies
had to struggle to maintain their social and cultural cohesion and
balance. Many began to consider alternatives to liberal democracy that
might provide a greater sense of stability and security.
In Eastern Europe, for example, after World War I the new
countries that had been carved out of the old Russian, Austrian, and
Ottoman empires had all looked to the democracies of Western Europe as
examples for their own development. As efforts to institute democracy
undercut traditional values and social structures, however, most of
Eastern Europe returned to some form of conservative
authoritarianism in which autocratic governments protected the
rights of property owners and severely limited social unrest. A few,
such as Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria, tried to revive strong
monarchies. Others accepted autocratic governments supported by
coalitions of Church leaders, the military, middle class business
interests, and landowning aristocracies. All were designed to maintain
the traditional, hierarchical nature of society and to safeguard private
property by allowing conservative leaders to rule with little input from
ordinary citizens.
Yet while many eastern Europeans tried to maintain or restore the
traditional hierarchical, conservative patterns and institutions of the
past, others responded much as Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes had done
during a similar crisis in European civilization during the 16th
century. They looked for security to the state, and at the same time
redefined the nature of the state itself and the extent of its
sovereignty, or control. Like Bodin and Hobbes, these more radical
reformers turned to a new kind of political absolutism. They advocated
complete control of all aspects of society by the state, including
politics, the economy, culture, and even the private family lives of all
citizens. Such a total, all-encompassing role for the state came to be
called totalitarianism. The
first European state to actually move toward a totalitarian regime was
Italy. The
Rise of Fascism in Italy The
first major challenge to liberal democracy among the nations of Western
Europe grew out of Italy's experience during World War I. The decision
to go to war had itself exposed the deep divisions within Italian
political life. After the war, many Italians felt cheated by a peace
settlement that failed to give them all the lands they wanted around the
Adriatic Sea. After the war, as parliamentary politics in Italy seemed
to become stagnant, accomplishing little, the liberal democratic
government came under fire from both extreme nationalists on the right
and socialists and communists on the left. As Italy began to experience
the first effects of the immediate post-war depression, the government
seemed incapable of handling the challenges. Even relatively
conservative Italians began to feel that a stronger hand was needed at
the helm of the ship of state. In 1922 a relatively unknown leader
emerged to claim this position, Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini had begun his political career in Italy in the decade
before World War I as a left-wing socialist. The son of a blacksmith and
a schoolteacher, he eventually became the leader of the Italian
Socialist Party. During the war, however, he broke with the Socialist
Party, which condemned Italian entry into the conflict on the grounds
that the working class should unite across national boundaries to oppose
the “capitalists’ war.” Instead, Mussolini became convinced that
nations and nationalism rather than class and international socialism
were the strongest forces in history. Consequently, although he
continued to reject the ideals of liberal democracy and free market
economics, he became extremely nationalistic. When Italy finally declared war, Mussolini served in the
Italian Army. After the war, like many Italians he was disappointed by
the little new territory Italy had gained. He became convinced that only
strength could achieve Italy's demands, and that strength could not come
from a government bound by the rules of democracy to discuss, weigh,
debate, and finally compromise on national policies before implementing
In 1919, together with other unemployed and disillusioned
ex-soldiers, Mussolini formed the Fascist Party, named after the old
Roman symbol of the power of the common people, the fasces,
an axe embedded within a bundle of sticks. The initial platform of the
new party was nationalistic and anti-communist, as well as expansionist.
The Fascists were determined, for example, that Italy would one day
obtain all the land she had claimed around the Adriatic.
During the early 1920s popular dissatisfaction in Italy only got
worse. Like the rest of Europe, Italy had gone deeply into debt during
the war. As the economy faltered unemployment rose. The fall in world
agricultural prices that so contributed to the later Depression
particularly affected the still largely rural Italians. As land
foreclosures began to occur so too did the general dissatisfaction of
the working people of Italy. Farmers burned their crops and killed their
animals rather than sell them at low prices. In the cities, factory
workers began to strike, demanding higher wages, better working
conditions, and in some cases complete control of the factories.
While conservatives and moderates looked on in alarm, a growing
number of radical socialists and members of the Communist Party began to
call for revolution. Riven by internal factions, the liberal democratic
government seemed unable to take strong, decisive action to restore
order and confidence in the nation. At first, Mussolini supported many
of the radical demands. Soon, however, he and his Fascists began to
oppose the internationalism of the Communists, calling instead for a
restoration of national security. Seizing the moment, Mussolini began to
portray himself and the Fascists as the protectors and saviors of the
nation. Under the pretense of restoring order, Mussolini's followers
formed vigilante groups, or squadristi,
to break up workers' meetings and strikes. Before long, however, they
were simply beating up and intimidating anyone who disagreed with them.
They adopted a paramilitary style of dress and discipline. Wearing
riding breeches, boots, and black shirts, they became known as the Black
Shirts. The
"March on Rome." By 1922, the Fascists had become a major
force in Italian politics. Although they had only gained 35 seats in the
first open elections after the war, their strong-arm tactics commanded
considerable respect - or fear - from friends and enemies alike. Many in
the government were glad to let the Fascists check the growing power of
the radical left. However, when the Fascists openly threatened to march
on Rome in October 1922, and to take over the government by force, the
Italian Cabinet finally realized their danger. Quickly, they begged the
king, Victor Emmanuel III, to proclaim martial law. When he refused, the
entire cabinet resigned. Himself fearful of the Fascists' threats of a
coup, the king then named Mussolini as his new prime minister - a
perfectly constitutional act. Mussolini thus gained power without even
having to carry through the march on Rome!
Once installed as premier, Mussolini manipulated parliament
through intimidation by his Black Shirts, as well as Fascist control of
the electoral process. Under pressure from the Fascists, the Italian
parliament granted the new premier a year of emergency power with which
to restore order throughout the country. Although he moved slowly at
first, eventually Mussolini committed himself to the complete overthrow
of democracy and the institution of a fascist revolution.
Early in 1925, under the prodding of the Fascist Grand Council,
of which he was the head, Mussolini decided to take the plunge to
complete dictatorship. "We wish to make the nation fascist,"
he declared,[5][5] and soon
outlawed all political parties except the Fascist Party. Over the next
year and a half he decreed the imposition of censorship, the
re-establishment of the death penalty, and the arrest of his most
important rivals. He also created an official secret police and a new
Fascist militia. Methodically, the Fascists crushed all opposition and
dissent. Mussolini himself took the title il Duce, The Leader. He called on the Italian people to support his
plans as patriotic citizens.
Mussolini and the Fascists tried to give the Italian people a new
sense of identity and purpose that would legitimize and support their
own rule. Drawing on the more romantic notions of 19th century
philosophers such as Hegel and Nietzsche, they insisted that Italy was
not simply a state; it was a living entity, a spirit that was greater
than the sum of its parts: "The Fascist State is itself conscious, and has
a will and a personality--thus it may be called the 'ethic' State....The
State is not merely a organization with purely
material aims....Nor is it a purely political creation....The
a spiritual and moral fact in itself...a manifestation of the
Spirit." While
calling for the sacrifice of individual interests, Mussolini also seemed
to promise nationalist Italians a kind of immortality as part of a
larger whole: "The State is not only a living reality of the
present, it is also linked with the past and above all with the future,
and thus transcending the brief limits of individual life, it represents
the immanent spirit of the nation." The full extent of the new
fascist doctrine of the State was summed up in the phrase
"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing
against the state....the state is an absolute before which individuals
and groups are relative." [6][6] The
"corporatist state."
Despite this new view of national identity, Mussolini also
continued to emphasize the importance of economic class he had embraced
as a Socialist. Instead of calling for an international socialist
revolution aimed at creating a transnational communist state, however,
he called instead for the national development of what he called the
"corporatist state." All citizens were classified according to
the kind of work they did for a living. Eventually Mussolini divided up
all economic activities in Italy into 22 "corporations." These
corporations included members of labor unions (strictly controlled by
the Fascist Party and forbidden to strike under any circumstances),
representatives of company managers and owners, and the government. The
three groups together regulated all aspects of the businesses included
in the jurisdiction of their corporations, including work-hours,
pay-scales, and prices. Corporatism was thus a return to a kind of guild
structure - but with the state firmly in control. Even to many liberals
and conservatives, Mussolini seemed to have solved the problems of
industrial capitalism without destroying the system itself. Fascist
Imperialism. In addition to his reorganization of the state,
Mussolini also preached a new doctrine of imperialism and militarism.
Heavily influenced by the ideas of social Darwinism, Mussolini argued
that struggle was the nature of the world - those nations that wanted to
survive must do so at the expense of weaker nations. Only the strong, he
insisted, survived in a world that was full of strife and never-ending
conflict. "For Fascism," Mussolini wrote, "the growth of
Empire, that is to say the expansion of the nation, is an essential
manifestation of vitality, and its opposite is a sign of
decadence." Countries that did not expand could expect eventually
to be conquered and destroyed. Fascism thus came to glorify war as a
natural part of life. The
Spread of Fascist Ideas Mussolini
seemed to many Europeans to have achieved a major miracle in Italy. As
was said at the time, "he made the trains run on time," in a
country where they were notoriously late. His doctrine of extreme
nationalism called for enormous self-sacrifice for the greater good of
the state, which was supposed to embody the spirit of the entire nation.
This seemed a worthy philosophy to many people disillusioned by the war
and the depression. Self-sacrifice could be an enormously powerful and
compelling force, calling upon people to act not selfishly, but
selflessly. Through devotion to the spirit of the nation embodied in the
state they might find a new sense of purpose and identity.
As the Depression ravaged Europe, many countries, especially the
relatively new eastern European countries that had been created at the
end of the war, began to follow the Fascist example. Yugoslavia,
Rumania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, even Greece, the homeland of
democracy, all came under fascist or at least authoritarian military
regimes. In Portugal the dictator Salazar instituted a fascist
government in 1932. In 1936, a Spanish general, Francisco Franco,
overthrew the constitutional government of Spain in a bloody civil war
to impose his own version of a conservative authoritarian regime.
Although their aims were generally different, authoritarian conservatism
and the national socialism of fascism had common ground in their
emphasis on nationalism. Both movements felt primarily threatened by the
international revolutionary goals of communism. , and secondarily by the
ideals of liberal democracy with their emphasis on individual rights and
The democracies too, however, felt the pull of fascism. In
France, for example, a strong pro-Fascist movement developed fairly
early. In response, an anxious coalition of socialist and liberal
parties came together in the Popular Front government of the socialist
premier, Leon Blum. Even in Britain, during the dark days of the 1930s a
well-known Conservative politician and aristocrat, Sir Oswald Moseley,
established the British Union of Fascists. Although it drew some support
from working people, however, and at its height claimed some 20,000
members, most people simply found Moseley's Fascist Union too
un-British. They tended to laugh at its swaggering supporters wearing
their paramilitary uniforms designed after the Black Shirts, and
especially at Moseley's bodyguard, an ex-prizefighter. Still, the
presence of even a laughable fascist movement in Great Britain, as well
as the more serious movement in France, indicated the extent to which
democracy and democratic ideals had been called into question. National
Socialism in Germany Of
all the European countries that followed Mussolini's example, the most
successful and frightening was Germany. There, in 1932, a relatively
small party of the extreme right, the National Socialist German Workers
Party, or Nazi Party as the
German name was abbreviated, under their leader Adolf Hitler, gained
control of the Weimar Government. Adolf
Hitler. Hitler had been born in Austria, the son of a minor
government official and a schoolteacher. As a youth he tried to pursue a
career as an artist in Vienna, but was rejected by the Art Academy.
Eventually he emigrated to Bavaria in southern Germany. When war broke
out he promptly joined the German Army, where after four years service
on the Western Front he had won both classes of the Iron Cross,
Germany's highest military honor, and the rank of corporal. Like many
other German soldiers at the front, however, Hitler was astonished and
then outraged by the "betrayal" of Germany embodied in the
Armistice. Returning to Bavaria after the war, he joined and soon came
to dominate an extreme right-wing nationalist party, the German Workers
Party, which he renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi
Party as it was abbreviated in German.
Hitler was convinced that Germany had not really lost the war but
had been "stabbed in the back" by a conspiracy of Jewish
financiers and communists. He had nothing but contempt for the weak
Weimar republic, which he associated with the degrading surrender.
Moreover, the republic proved weak in the face of growing economic
problems, and seemed unable to stop the growth of socialist and
communist activity. Soon Hitler joined forces with more conventional
conservative elements in German society to fight the communist threat.
Impressed by Mussolini's march on Rome, in 1923 Hitler decided
the time had come for a similar revolution in Germany. In the so-called Beer
Hall putsch, or rebellion, in the Bavarian town of Munich, he and a
small number of allies and supporters staged an unsuccessful uprising
against the Weimar government. The rising was quickly put down and
Hitler was sentenced to prison. While serving his sentence, which was
soon commuted, he set out his plans for the future in a major political
statement, Mein
Kampf, or "My Struggle." Although rambling and
disjointed, Mein Kampf made clear all the main elements of Hitler's program. The
Nazi Worldview. In Vienna Hitler had become fascinated with a
mystical German occult tradition that combined elements of extreme
romantic German nationalism with a kind of crude social Darwinist
biological racism. Out of this bizarre mixture, he developed the idea
that the German people constituted a "master race," which he
incorrectly called Aryans, from whose pure bloodline would develop an
even stronger race -- a race of supermen to use the German philosopher
Nietzsche's word. Hitler accepted the Social Darwinist argument that
life was a constant struggle for survival - and only the strong
survived. Like Mussolini, he came to glorify war, which purged the race
of its weaker specimens and insured the continuance of the fittest.
Also like Mussolini, Hitler believed that the races themselves,
not individuals, were the true actors in history. Consequently, he came
to preach an extreme nationalism that extolled the German volk,
or people, as the greatest race in the world. Grading all others on a
descending scale, Hitler saw the Jews as the antithesis of the German
race, a kind of human parasite on other races. The main problem was that
the Jews had no homeland of their own, and therefore had to insinuate
themselves into other peoples' countries. Hitler identified Jewish
"cosmopolitanism" and "internationalism" with
communism. Both, he believed, were the natural enemies of the German
volk. "The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the
aristocratic principle of nature and replaces the eternal privilege of
power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it
denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of
nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of
its existence and its culture....If, with the help of his Marxist creed,
the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown
will be the funeral wreath of humanity....I believe that I am acting in
accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself
against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Rejecting
the social and cultural developments associated with modern industrial,
urban civilization, which he viewed as a "Jewish" product,
Hitler insisted that the strength of the German race lay in its ties to
the soil. His ideal German was the sturdy peasant working the land--not
the factory worker in a crowded and dirty city who was probably infected
with the virus of communism. He summed up his political philosophy as
well as his future policies for Germany in the slogan, "blut
und boden," or "blood and soil." Determined that
the volk must expand in order to survive, he also saw the need for
imperial conquest. In Mein Kampf he outlined the Nazi plans for
eastyward expansion into the plains of Poland and Russia. There they
would eradicate or enslave the "sub-human" Slavic population,
and finally achieve the necessary lebensraum,
or living space, in which to grow ever stronger. Hitler’s
rise to power. Although the Beer Hall putsch ended in failure,
Hitler was soon released from jail and continued to organize for the
future. His real chance for power only came in 1932, however, as the
deepening Depression finally discredited the weak Weimar Republic.
Following a pattern similar to that of Mussolini, whom he greatly
admired, Hitler presented himself and the Nazis as a bulwark against
communism. His well-organized paramilitary organization, the S.A., known
as Brown Shirts since they copied the Italian Black Shirts, attacked
strikers and communists, as well as Jews, in the streets.
Although their violence worried many Germans, the Nazis' hardline
anti-communism won the support of the more conservative elements in
German society. At the same
time, Hitler appealed to the lower middle classes and even many working
class Germans with his strong message of nationalism and anti-Semitism.
Even students in German universities found the Nazi message of German
racial superiority and the calls for self-sacrifice in the cause of the
nation extremely appealing. In Nazism, Hitler offered them a new sense
of mission and identity to replace that lost in the humiliating terms of
the Versailles Treaty.
By 1932, the Nazis had become the single largest party in the
German Reichstag, but still did not have an overall majority. As
inter-party fighting, literally in the streets, seemed to paralyze the
government, no clear majority emerged to take firm control of the
government. Finally, under pressure from conservatives worried about
Communist influence, President Paul von Hindenburg invited Hitler to
become the new Chancellor of Germany in a coalition government heavily
dominated by traditional conservatives. Once in power, however, Hitler
soon moved to effect a true National Socialist revolution. His
opportunity came on 23 February 1933, when a young Dutch communist named
Marinus van der Lubbe set a fire that burned the Reichstag building to
the ground.
Although van der Lubbe almost certainly acted alone, Hitler
immediately assumed that a general communist revolution was about to
begin and whipped up public opinion with this story. Quickly he appealed
for a suspension of the constitution and virtual dictatorial powers
"as a defensive measure against Communist acts of violence."
By March 1933, Hitler had been granted the power to rule by personal
decree without restraint for four years. By July, Hitler had outlawed
all political parties except the Nazi Party and Germany had become a
full-fledged dictatorship. Other decrees finally transformed Germany
from a federal into a fully centralized state and began the imposition
of the full Nazi program. When Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler combined
the presidency and the chancellorship in his own person as "Der
Fuehrer," "The Leader." The
Third Reich With
virtually unlimited power, Hitler set about creating what he now called
the Third Reich, or Third
German Empire. The first had been the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne,
and the second that created by Bismarck under the Hohenzollerns. Both
had failed. The Third Reich, Hitler promised, would be "the
thousand-year Reich." Nazi
anti-Semitism. Perhaps the most brutal and vicious result of
Hitler's Nazi revolution was the implementation of the Nazi racial
ideology and the institution between 1933 and 1935 of the so-called
Nuremburg Decrees against the Jews. All Germans began to be scrutinized
for the purity of their “Aryan” bloodlines. Jews were deprived of
citizenship, forbidden to intermarry with Aryan Germans, and
methodically excluded first from the civil service and eventually from
all other professions as well. Along with other “undesirables,” like
gypsies, homosexuals and political opponents of the regime, many Jews
were sent to the new “labour camps” that the Nazis used in place of
The consequences of such officially encouraged anti-Semitism
became clear in November 1938, when the murder of a Nazi diplomat in
Paris by a Jewish assassin resulted in a national rampage. Over 250
synagogues were set ablaze or demolished and some 7500 Jewish
storefronts were smashed all over Germany in what became known as the Kristallnacht,
the Night of Broken Glass. In addition, the Jewish storeowners were
forbidden to collect insurance for the damage and the entire Jewish
population was forced to pay a collective fine of a billion marks –
and another 20,000 Jews were sent to the labor camps. Nazi
economic, social, and cultural policies. Throughout these violent
scenes of persecution of the Jews, however, for most Germans Hitler's
popularity only seemed to improve steadily. Like Mussolini, Hitler
appealed to the masses of Germans by playing on their sense of
patriotism and emotion. At the same time, he instituted massive
government spending programs that soon stimulated the German economy and
helped bring it out of the depression. Although at first pretending to
abide by the restrictions on re-armament included in the Versailles
Treaty, in fact Hitler launched a major secret rearmament program. He
also built an entirely new road system, the famous German autobahns, and
through a regulation of industry similar to that in Italy he subsidized
major developments in the manufacturing sector. For example, the German
volkswagen, or people wagon, was a product of Nazi inspiration designed
to make automobiles available and affordable to all German families.
Not least, the Nazis created an organized program of
indoctrination in the principles of National Socialism. Their goal was
to transform the German people into a coherent, unified nation under the
leadership of the Fuehrer. A government-created German Labor Front
replaced labor unions. In addition to indoctrinating workers in Nazi
ideology, the Labor Front also sponsored organizations such as the Strength through Joy movement, which provided inexpensive vacations
for working-class families. The children and youths of the nation were
encouraged to join the Hitler
Youth, the Nazi version of the Scouts,
and other groups that also trained them in Nazi doctrine.
Methodically, the Nazi regime established program after social program
all designed to educate and indoctrinate the German people in the
principles of National Socialism. The
Fuhrer myth. At the center of this revolutionary program was a
carefully constructed image of the Leader. As one Nazi intellectual
explained in his book on the constitutional law of the Nazi state: "The Fuhrer is the bearer of the people's
will....In his will the will of the people is realized. He transforms
the mere feelings of the people into a conscious will....He shapes the
collective will of the people within himself and he embodies the
political unity and entirety of the people in opposition to individual
interests....Through his planning and directing he gives the national
life its true purpose and value."
As he slipped into this role as a virtual living god for the
German people, Hitler proved himself a master at rallying public support
through the use of radio, movies, and elaborately staged open-air
rallies. His speeches were carefully designed to appeal to his
listeners’ emotions. He was especially good at identifying Germany's
"enemies," those who were conspiring to keep the German people
from realizing their "greatness" and their
"destiny." "It is glorious to live in an age which
confronts the men who live in it with heroic problems. Need and misery
have overwhelmed our people. Germany finds itself without protection and
without rights. Destiny sets us the grand task, to fight in these
strained times, to fill with faith and truth the hearts of our crushed
fellow countrymen, to give work to millions of unemployed, to build up a
new society and to check its enemies with an iron fist." Nazi
propaganda. Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, used
every means at his disposal to spread the Nazi message of German
regeneration and the myth of the Fuhrer. One of the most successful
mediums, for both the positive portrayal of Hitler himself at the center
of the cult of the Fuehrer and the spread of Nazi racial ideas, was in
motion pictures. The talented and popular German film director, Leni
Riefenstahl, soon became the favorite film-maker of the Nazi Party. Born in Berlin in 1002, Riefenstahl had worked as an
actress and a dancer in the booming German entertainment industry of the
Roaring 1920s. In 1931, she established her own film company, L. R.
Studio-Film Incorporated. After a number of successful films that won
wide critical acclaim, in 1934 Riefenstahl agreed to produce what would
become perhaps her most controversial film, Triumph of the Will,
a “documentary” of the 1934 Nazi Party rally in Nuremburg. Although
Riefenstahl herself insisted to the end of her life that it had been an
honest effort at a true documentary, for many it seemed a classic
example of propaganda. Filming at night, Riefenstahl captured breathtaking images
of thousands of Nazi supporters in uniform, marching in order, carrying
torches and performing complicated disciplined drills in the form of
Nazi symbols like the swastika. At the center of the film was Hitler
himself, portrayed less as a human being than a living god, standing
isolated and alone on the massive tribune looking down on the adoring
worshippers below him in the arena. Riefenstahl’s own description of
the first time she saw Hitler perhaps best conveys the magnetic effect
he could have on the people around him – an effect she effectively
portrayed in her films about him: “It
seemed as if the earth’s surface were spreading out in front of me,
like a hemisphere that suddenly splits apart in the middle, spewing out
an enormous jet of water, so powerful that it touched the sky and shook
the earth. I felt quite paralyzed.” Triumph
of the Will was shown all over Germany and inspired millions of
people, as did Riefenstahl’s subsequent films covering the annual
Nuremberg rallies. Stalinist
Totalitarianism While
Mussolini and Hitler were constructing their nationalist visions of the
totalitarian state, in the Soviet Union a similar totalitarianism
emerged on a rather different foundation – though one that was equally
collectivist in nature and that utterly rejected the concept of
individualism. Where Fascism and National Socialism saw the state as the
embodiment of the nation, Marxism-Leninism theoretically saw the
Communist Party as the embodiment of the collective will of the
worldwide proletariat. The Party merely used the state to take full
control of the economic means of production and to abolish private
property in the name of the working class as a whole. Its ultimate goal
was the abolition of all classes and the establishment of a completely
egalitarian society in which the state itself would fade away as
Despite this theory, however, in the power struggle that followed
Lenin's death, Joseph Stalin outmaneuvered his most important rival, the
commander of the Red Army, Leon Trotsky, to take full control of both
the Communist Party and the Soviet state. Temporarily abandoning the
goal of immediate world revolution, Stalin proclaimed instead the
doctrine of building “socialism in one country.” To achieve this, he
continued Lenin's policy of tightening the Communist Party's control
over every aspect of society. Like the old Russian Tsars, Stalin tried
to keep his subjects from outside contacts that might "infect"
them with liberal, capitalist ideas. Secret police and informers were
everywhere. Thus Stalin made his communist dictatorship even more
effectively totalitarian than the fascist regimes. Collectivization.
As he moved from an international to a national perspective, Stalin also
had to face the problems of the continuing depression in world
agricultural prices. Grain was the Soviet Union's major export product,
and he needed the earnings from grain sales to pay for the Communist
program of rapid industrialization. Anxious to increase production to
keep pace with falling prices, apparently without realizing that
increased production would only drive prices even further down, in 1927
Stalin abandoned Lenin's New Economic Policy and began the forced collectivization, or amalgamation of small, peasant-owned farms into
large state-owned farms. The next year he launched the first of a series
of Five Year Plans designed
to transform the Soviet Union from an agrarian state to a fully
industrialized state. Over the next thirty years, the Soviet Union moved
from being the 5th largest industrial producer in the world to the 2nd,
and the entire character of Russian life essentially changed. The cost
in human life, however, was enormous.
When the peasant landowners resisted his collectivization
measures, for example, Stalin declared that he would "liquidate the
kulaks [peasants wealthy
enough to employ others on their lands] as a class." Using the Red
Army he made good on his threat. Many kulaks were shot when they
resisted, or simply deported to the new gulags,
forced labor camps that Stalin established in Siberia. By 1930 roughly
10 million peasant families had been forced into collective state farms.
By 1934, Stalin's program had turned some 25 million family-owned farms
into about 250,000 collective farms. In addition to those simply shot on
his orders, by his own estimation, Stalin's forced collectivization
resulted in the deaths of some 10 million peasants during the famines
produced by the policy in 1932 and 1933. Some modern scholars have put
the estimates even higher. The
great purges. As he pursued his plans to transform the nature of
Russian society, Stalin also became increasingly fearful about his own
position. The collectivization campaign had revealed that even within
the Communist Party not everyone agreed with his ruthless methods. One
officer, nearly in tears, expressed the feelings of many who had to
carry out the dictator's orders: "I am an old Bolshevik. I worked in the
underground against the Czar and then I fought in the civil war. Did I
do all that in order that I should now surround villages with
machine-guns and order my men to fire indiscriminately into crowds of
peasants? Oh no, no, no!" Aware
of the resistance to his plans, and anxious to rid himself of every
potential rival or serious opponent, Stalin created a vast system of
state terror to eradicate all dissent.
Between 1936 and 1938, Stalin instituted a series of mass purges,
removing all suspected or potential opponents from his path. They were
either murdered or sent to the gulags. To maintain a semblance of
legitimacy to these purges, Stalin ordered a series of so-called show
trials, at which his victims were forced to submit to rigged courts
in which they publicly repeated false confessions that they had made
either under torture or the threat of retaliation against their
families. Once again, blood flowed freely in the Soviet Union as
thousands were killed or disappeared. Even the ranks of the Red Army
officer corps were virtually decimated to sooth Stalin's fears of
rebellion and intrigue. Scholarly estimates of the total number of
Stalin's own people who died as a direct consequence of his 25-year
tyranny range between 20 and 30 million. Such was the price of communist
totalitarianism. Authoritarianism
in Latin America While
Europe struggled through the crisis of liberal democracy, similar
conditions and problems afflicted many South American countries. They
too often turned to authoritarian regimes and even outright
dictatorships. Indeed, conservative authoritarian government based on an
alliance among the Catholic Church, large-scale landowners, and the
military had long been the rule in Latin America since the early 1800s.
In part, this alliance was designed to keep power in the hands of the
descendants of European immigrants, rather than allowing it to pass to
Indians and mestizos, those of mixed European and Indian heritage. Such
control was relatively easy so long as Latin America remained
overwhelmingly rural. As the industrial revolution came to Latin America
countries, however, new classes began to emerge.
In the cities of Brazil and Argentina, for example, communities
of businessmen and industrialists developed. So too did new urban
working classes. Industrialization and the growth of cities soon led to
the formation of labor unions demanding better working conditions and
higher wages for their members. Anxious for more foreign investment from
the great industrial powers like Britain and the United States, the new
businessmen supported strong rulers and governments that would restrict
union activities and provide the kind of stability required by foreign
After 1930, many Latin American dictators came to power by
copying the techniques of fascist leaders in Europe. Appealing to the
workers, they often instituted welfare programs. At the same time, they
maintained their support among the business classes by implementing
protective tariffs and ruthlessly enforcing law and order. In Brazil,
for example, Getulio Vargas seized control of the government in 1930.
While brutally suppressing all opposition, Vargas also guaranteed
employment for Brazilian workers, as well as good wages and even
pensions. The same year, an alliance of conservatives, businessmen, and
the military brought the so-called Concordancia, or Concordance,
Government to power in Argentina. By 1943, however, the corruption of
the regime led to a military coup and a junta, or group, of generals and colonels assumed power. Militarism
in Japan While
Europeans and Latin Americans struggled with the problems of the
depression by turning to authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, a
similar development was occurring on the other side of the world in
Japan. Like the other industrial powers of the world, Japan suffered
heavily from the effects of the great depression. As life became
increasingly difficult, the flaws in Japan's relatively new and shallow
democratic institutions began to become apparent. Older traditions of
military tradition and discipline began to re-emerge in new forms. In
addition, these new, militaristic traditions represented a continuing
and growing dissatisfaction among many Japanese with the apparent
unwillingness of the European members of the industrial world to treat
them as equals, largely out of a sense of racial superiority among the
In part, the new direction in Japanese society reflected the
growing tensions that had emerged in Japanese society during the
relatively peaceful and stable years of the Meiji restoration. From a
largely feudal, technologically underdeveloped country, Japan had leaped
into the modern industrial world in less than 50 years. Yet this
economic revolution had occurred under the direction of what was still a
highly aristocratic and hierarchical elite. By the mid-1920s, many
Japanese began to wonder when the new prosperity that had been created
would filter down to them. Economic development, universal education,
and the new ideas of liberal democracy coming from the West all
contributed to growing unrest in Japanese society.
For many Japanese, the victory of the Allies in World War I
initially seemed proof that liberal democracy was the best kind of
government for the future. By 1925 they had demanded and received
universal manhood suffrage. Liberalism, trade unionism, even socialism
and communism flourished in Japan during the years immediately after the
war. Yet not all Japanese were pleased with these developments. Many,
especially in the armed forces, began to worry about the effects of all
this Western influence on the traditional values of Japanese society.
As Japan's economic situation began to worsen during the mid and
later 20s, however, the appeal of western institutions and culture began
to wear thin. Army and navy officers in particular became concerned
about the wisdom of pursuing such a pro-Western policy. These men had
learned a different lesson from World War I. Observing the nature of
modern, technological warfare, they had become convinced future wars
would require the complete mobilization of the nation in the case of
hostilities. In addition, the cancellation of the Anglo-Japanese
Alliance as a result of the Washington Naval Conference, and continuing
restrictions on Japanese trade and emigration by some Western European
nations, convinced many Japanese officers that the Europeans would never
treat them as equals.
Many Japanese had been especially angry that President Wilson had
refused to endorse a clause calling for racial equality in the covenant
of the League of Nations. As these officers gained seniority and
influence, they argued for a more independent Japanese foreign policy in
Asia and the Pacific. Some even called for a Japanese "Monroe
Doctrine" in Asia comparable to that of the United States in the
Americas. In 1929, the depression made a sluggish economic situation
infinitely worse, and Japanese dissatisfaction with the West reached new
highs. As a reaction against the West set in, older Japanese traditions
of militarism and extreme nationalism began to re-emerge.
One of the factors that contributed to a growing movement toward
military rule in Japan was the Meiji Constitution itself. Under the
constitution, for example, the civilian government had virtually no
authority over the army and navy. They answered only to their commander,
the Japanese emperor himself. This gave the armed forces more leeway to
pursue their own policies than most democracies permitted.
Although in general the military had cooperated with civilian
politicians, after 1926 when the young emperor Hirohito assumed the
imperial throne under the name of Showa emperor, a new more militaristic
faction began to take control of Japanese society. Many officers began
to join extreme nationalist organizations dedicated to Japanese
expansion. The Black Dragon Society, for example, was made up of
officers dedicated to Japanese expansion into Manchuria and even the
Soviet Union as a means of solving Japan's overpopulation. Ironically,
perhaps, the growing influence of militarism also led to tension between
the army and navy. Although both came to advocate expansion, the army
favored expansion on the continent of Asia, while the navy favored
expansion first into the islands of Southeast Asia. Like the European
fascists, these militarists glorified warfare and emphasized the
importance of expansion for national survival.
As the civilian leaders continued to resist the growing demands
of army and navy for a more aggressive foreign policy, many younger
Japanese military officers decided to force their hands. A series of
political assassinations that targeted not only civilian politicians,
but also leading industrialists, and even senior military officers who
were thought to be too timid began to plague Japanese political life.
When convicted in the courts, some of the assassins resorted to the
traditional samurai custom of suicide, proclaiming their undying loyalty
to the emperor and denouncing their victims as traitors.
While thus trying to force changes in Japan itself, in 1931 the
militarists went even further overseas. In September the Japanese Army
in Manchuria launched an all-out offensive against China, in direct
defiance not only of the League of Nations but of the Japanese
Government itself! When the army quickly completed its conquest of all
Manchuria, the enthusiasm of the Japanese public swept away all
opposition and the civilian government fell. Although civilian
politicians remained in the government, the policies of the militarists
had prevailed. Eventually, in 1936, a further wave of assassinations
finally brought the militarists to full power, since all their opponents
had either been killed or completely intimidated. Unlike the Fascists,
Nazis, or Communists in Europe, the militarists in Japan had
accomplished their goals without developing an ideology or even a
political party. Instead they had relied on age-old Japanese traditions
and customs. [1][1]1922
campaign platform of the Conservatives under Bonar Law, quoted in
A.J.P. Taylor, English History, 1914-45, Oxford, 1965, p. 196. [2][2]Taylor,
English History, p. 239. [3][3]Watkins,
The Great Depression, pp. 64-65. Include a reference to the Dust
Bowl, perhaps with the following description from a Red Cross
representative in Arkansas: "The
families that are suffering now...are not singled out as by flood or
tornado or fire, but are just in their homes, with gardens ruined,
sweet potatoes not making a crop, the prospects of being in debt to
the landlord when the pitiable cotton crop is gathered instead of
having money with which to buy food and clothing for the
winter." Or
perhaps include the following as a caption: "Over the next
several years the droughts only got worse. Soon, the entire layer of
topsoil began to blow away turning the great plains of the
mid-western United States into a "dustbowl."As far away as
New York City, one observer later recalled "a heavy,
slow-moving gray cloud, dust from the drought-stricken Great Plains,
blew down in the middle of Manhattan Island and settled like an old
blanket over the tower of the New
York Times building at Times Square." Or "As jobs and
farms dried up and blew away, all over the world huge numbers began
to migrate in search of both. The drama of the movement in the
United States was captured in a 1936 film documentary. Over scenes
of men, women, and children leaving dust-ridden homes in a growing
flood of human migration, a narrator explained: "Once
again they headed into the setting sun... Once
again they headed West out of the
Great Plains and hit the highways for
the Pacific Coast, the last border. Blown
out--baked out--and broke... Nothing
to stay for...nothing to hope for... homeless,
penniless and bewildered they joined the
great army of the highways." All
quotes are from Watkins, The Great Depression." [4][4]Quoted
in Paul Johnson, Modern Times, p. 244. [5][5]
Paxton, 205. [6][6]
Johnson, 101. |